Please join us this evening to learn more about our community.
The doors open at 6 pm, and our program starts at 6:30 pm.
Our guest speakers are:
- Eileen Carter and Belden Baptiste – The organizers of the Recall Cantrell Campaign. Although we will not be signing the petition at this event, we will learn about the effort and how to find locations. Training will be available for you to learn how to be a mobile recall station.

- Our Councilman, Freddie King, will update us on all things Algiers. Come and bring your questions.

3. Blight Officer Jamal Kendrick hopefully will be able to attend and update us on our blight list.
- Blighted property – 216 Fairfax
- Blighted property – 502 Huntlee
- Blighted property between 733 and 725 Huntleee
- Overgrown lot – Between 722 and 730 Huntlee
- Overgrown lot – Corner of Huntlee and Erickson across from the S&WB station
- Overgrown lot – Between 3000 and 3218 River Oaks
- Overgrown lot – Between 716 and 720 River Oaks
- Abandoned car – 3245 Hyman – Yellow sticker #42619; 311 Reference #202288974
- Large trash pile – 306 River Oaks