Mar 13 – Monthly Meeting With CM Freddie King and Mayoral Candidate Judge Arthur Hunter

Connect Church Choir Room 1110 Kabel Dr, New Orleans, LA, United States

Please join us as we welcome Councilman Freddie King and Mayoral Candidate Judge Arthur Hunter. Councilman King will give us updates for all things Algiers. Mayoral Candidate Arthur Hunter will discuss his canidacy and take questions from the audience. We will have HVNA flyers for all those who wish to hand them out to neighbors. […]

Apr 3 – Monthly Speaker Meeting with Michelle Woodfork

Connect Church Choir Room 1110 Kabel Dr, New Orleans, LA, United States

Please join us on April 3 for our monthly meeting.  Our speaker is Orleans Parish Sheriff Candidate Michelle Woodfork.  Ms. Woodfork was the 4th District Captain, the prior interim police chief, and currently works in the Invetigation Division of the DA's office. We meet in the choir room at Connect Church, 1110 Kabel Drive, Algiers, […]

May 1 – Monthly Speaker Meeting with Rafael Goyeneche

Connect Church Choir Room 1110 Kabel Dr, New Orleans, LA, United States

Please join us on May 1, when Rafael Goyeneche will be our featured speaker.  Rafael is the President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission which has been tracking crime in our area for decades and is the most comprehensive source for crime statistics in our city. We meet in the choir room at Connect Church, 1110 […]