Please join us on May 1, when Rafael Goyeneche will be our featured speaker. Rafael is the President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission which has been tracking crime in our […]

Please join us on May 1, when Rafael Goyeneche will be our featured speaker. Rafael is the President of the Metropolitan Crime Commission which has been tracking crime in our […]
Please join us on April 3 for our monthly meeting. Our speaker is Orleans Parish Sheriff Candidate Michelle Woodfork. Ms. Woodfork was the 4th District Captain, the prior interim police […]
Join fellow Algiers neighbors and learn more about our great history.
Please join other Algiers residents for Friendship Day with a Irish Flair.
Please join Cops4 at the Algiers’ Federal City Green Park for their annual crawfish boil from 2 to 5. This is also election day–so vote and come out to support […]
Please join us as we welcome Councilman Freddie King and Mayoral Candidate Judge Arthur Hunter. Councilman King will give us updates for all things Algiers. Mayoral Candidate Arthur Hunter will […]
On Thursday, Jan 9, the council will vote on the ordinance that actually will make all of Lower Coast Algiers LOW DENSITY. Please be there at 11 am. We need […]
Judge Hunter will not be able to meet with us on Jan 9 but will be with us on Feb 6. Instead, we will meet with the Gretna Historical […]
Our speaker will be Judge Arthur Hunter who is piloting the Regional Career Project–a workforce development iniative with Delgado and GNO, Inc. as well as industry partners. Students can get […]
Support our fellow neighborhood association on Jan 9 at the City Council Chambers at 10 am. Lower Coast Algiers wishes to be zoned single family, rural. The following is from […]