Aurora Recreation Club Liquor License

HVNA is providing this information in order to help residents make an informed decision.  

The noise and disregard for residents surrounding the Aurora Recreation Club at 5244 General Meyer has been a source of dismay for Algiers residents within earshot of the club. The noise is deafening and continues long past the time allowed for in the city code.  The police can warn and ask the club to lower the noise, but they are not the enforcers of the city municipal code.

Presently, there is a New Orleans Fire Department Cease and Desist Order barring the club from operating.

If the club wishes to sell liquor, it must obtain a permit from the city and the state.  The Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control  (ATC) is the state regulator for liquor licenses (link to site).

When the club files its request with the state, it must post a large, yellow placard stating its intention to sell alcohol at this location.  The residents in the area have recourse once the placard is posted and can file a Petition in Opposition (link to form).  This can be done individually or an individual with accompanying witnesses.  The Petition in Opposition should be emailed to ATC-Attorneys@ATC.La.Gov once completed.

Residents must object to the license based on grounds enumerated in Chapter 1 and 2 of Title 26 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes which is included in the ATC code (link to code).  There are residents researching this, and if you have any research, please share by emailing us a at, and we will update this page.

Residents who sign the petition must be willing to appear at a ATC administratiave hearing, swear the facts are true as stated in the petition, and have the petition notarized.

If you see or have reason to believe the club is selling liquor without a license, you can Report a Violation (link to report) to the state.

Although Huntlee Village is glad to link arms with our neighbors.